My Story

Hi there! I'm Angel, the founder of Ninth House Collective.
How I found my way to Reiki and embraced my spiritual awakening...
I guess on some level, I've always been aware of the spiritual realm. As a young child, I felt magical and had a connection to Angels and Divine energy. Growing up in an Italian Catholic family - with a psychic aunt known as the “witch” - was my introduction to both religion and metaphysics. Although I never resonated with the Catholic teachings of my youth, I did however, enjoy the ritual of Sunday mass and being with family & community connecting in prayer.
When I was 11, the unexpected death of my mother ignited my thirst for knowledge of anything to do with life after death, religion, and all things spiritual. By the age of 18, I suffered another great loss when my father died of a heart attack. I had a strong premonition the night before his passing. His death was the catalyst for my brief move to Colorado at age 20, where I met my husband.
We were married within a year, and had our two daughters by the time I turned 24. This period in my life was very busy, my primary focus being raising our children. Though I occasionally read books and indulged my love of meditation, tarot, and spiritual development classes, it was sporadic at best. I considered this interest to be a passionate hobby, rather than an attainable career.
In 2015, my husband and I became empty-nesters. By this time, I felt a strong calling to return to my hometown of Florida. I couldn’t quite explain why; I just knew we had to move. This is not uncommon, as I’ve always had strong intuition. While preparing for our move, I repeatedly awoke with feelings of anxiety and thoughts of lung cancer. It wasn’t until 11 months after our move that I understood why I was called back; my brother David was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. I was there to care for him during his final days, and am incredibly grateful for the time we were gifted and the memories created before his passing.
Just as we started to settle back into our life in Florida, the pandemic hit. This caused me to lose my income, throwing us on yet another new path. I began daily meditations for guidance, met my Reiki master, and began my journey of self-healing. Reiki proved to be a powerful tool in addressing my depression and healing from childhood trauma. During this time, my spiritual gifts opened up and I was feeling called to move again. This included my switch in career paths in order to bring this powerful healing modality to others.